FUTURESHOCK kicks off with two of FSW’s most promising athletes squaring off to try to boost their notariety and position within Future Stars of Wrestling. JAKOB EAST, accompanied by his Valet Girlfriend, TAYLOR YORKE, looked as intense as ever as he entered the FSW Arena to face the fast-and-furious RJ WYLDE.
Showcasing vastly different styles and tactics, East and Wylde exploded with focus and intensity that truly impressed the FSW Fans in attendance.
In the end, it would be a skillfully executed Michinoku Driver by RJ Wylde that would put away Jakob East and earn Wylde the well-deserved victory.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
Making his FSW debut at Futureshock, Rio Grande Valley’s DANIEL ISMAEL was poised and confident to make a name for himself at Future Stars of Wrestling. To do so, however, he would have to overcome quite an initial obstacle in the formidably cocky RAW REESE.
Ismael’s “unique” style may have initially thrown Raw Reese for a loop, but it wouldn’t take long for the self-proclaimed “BBC” to make short work of the Texas newcomer.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
Next up would pit four of FSW’s most dynamic “No Limits Division” competitors against each other in a Fatal Four Way Match – JKM, ADRIAN RAIN, FREDDY CORDOVA, and newcomer ENRIQUE CALDERON – each with a vested interest in moving up the title contendership ladder for a shot at the FSW NO LIMITS CHAMPIONSHIP (currently held by the unpredictably maniachal DAMIAN DRAKE).
As to be expected, all four men brought and delivered their absolute best – focused on earning a vital career vistory. In the end, it would be an impressive aerial 540 springboard splash by JKM over Enrique Calderon for a three-count and hard-earned victory for the masked warrior.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
Tag Team action was next up at FSW FUTURESHOCK – with the team of WARREN MOORE & OLIVER KANADY squaring off against the newly-formed team of “KING” MARCUS ANDERSON & PHIL GODFREY (with his Manager, MASTERMIND).
Loaded with energy and determination, Moore & Kanady took the fight straight to “King” Anderson in the opening moments of the contest.
The tides of momentum would soon shift, however, as soon as Anderson tagged in the powerful (and unpredictable) Godfrey – who began to run roughshot over Moore & Kanady with a series of brutal double lariats and senton splashes upon his opponents – not to mention illegally utilizing the ropes and corners as often as possible to wreak further damage.
Despite a last ditch explosion of effort from Kanady & Moore, a devestating double-team combo by Anderson & Godfrey would seal Moore & Kanady’s fate and earn the powerful duo of Anderson & Godfrey a decisive victory.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
The next match would feature one of FSW’s newest promising prospects, COLLIN MULDOON, against perhaps FSW’s most diabolically dangerous veterans, “The World Fighter,” GREGORY SHARPE.
Perhaps a bit youthfully over-confident – and/or naive in not fully respecting the experience and skill of his opponent – Muldoon displayed little intimidation in the face of his wiley veteran opponent. Despite being initially toyed with by Sharpe, Muldoon showed no signs of backing down – at one point authoritatively shoving Sharpe in the middle of the ring.
Without a doubt, Muldoon most certainly impressed many FSW Fans in attendance as he exerted every effort to counter Sharpe’s onslaught throughout the match. However, a skull-bashing roundhouse kick and german-suplez bridge by Sharpe would finish off Muldoon for the pinfall.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
After the bell, with his “Cash In The Case” steel breifcase in hand, Sharpe would add insult to injury by continuing to stomp and strike upon the fallen Muldoon. But just as Sharpe was about to deliver the finishing blow onto Muldoon with the steel briefcase, Muldoon dug deep and ducked the strike – quickly turning to deliver a standing drop-kick which would launch Sharpe out of the ring. Muldoon would then (perhaps ill-advisedly) snatch up and quickly abscond through the crowd with Sharpe’s briefcase in hand.
Two Teams who are certainly no strangers to one another, THE KILLER Ds (DAHMIR MORNINGSTAR & DAVION JACOT) and GOLDEN SHOWERS (JOHN TRADEMARK & JEFFREY EXCELLENCE) found themselves, once again, facing each other at FSW FUTURESHOCK – and both with an eye on furthering their rankings within teh FSW Tag Team Division.
Quick tags and skillful combination maneuvers dominated the contest between these two very evenly-matched teams. Morningstar & Jacot would soon manage to isolate Jeffrey Excellence from his partner – allowing The Killer Ds to wear down Excellence with repeated series’ of quick tages and beatdowns. After using a headscarf to try to choke out Excellence – and finally being admonished by REFEREE AMBER – Excellence would somehow manage to duck out of an attgempted double-team clotheline by Morningstar, with Morningstar instead clothelining his own partner and allowing Excellence to finally tag in John Trademark.
Having had time to rest and recover Trademark wasted no time in unleashing his fury upon The Killer Ds. Believing a victory to be in hand, Golden Showers maneuvered to attempt a double team finisher upon Davion Jacot . . . that is until Jacot managed to wiggle himself free and shove Excellence into the corner, causing a top-rope poised Trademark to slip and straddle the top turnbuckle. With a confused Excellence alone in the ring, The Killer D’s would quickly maneuver Excellence into a double-team knee strike for the three-count and victory.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
The Co-MAIN EVENT of FSW FUTURESHOCK would see the menacing SANDERS vs the arrogant THAD MAXIMUS vs energized newcomer C4 in a no disqualification TRIPLE THREAT MATCH.
After a short pre-action “delay” with each Wrestler “flexing” their muscles for the FSW Fans in attendance, Sanders would deliver the opening blows upon both Maximus and C4. It wouldn’t take long, however, for the pwerful C4 to turn the tables and (after two attempts) floor Sanders at center ring with a running clotheline. Thad Maximus would attempt to capitalize on C4’s efforts by dropkicking Sanders out of the ring, allowing him to focus on C4 alone . . . a plan that would quickly backfire on Maximus when Sanders made his way back into the ring.
It was a match of endurance and stamnia as all three combatants tired to subdue his oppenents with series of strikes and chops. At one point, Thad Maximus called for a “time out,” confusing everyone in the ring just long enough to deliver low blows toboth Sanders and C4. Despite it being a no DQ match, Referee TOMMY GUNNZ was quick to admonish Maximus on his underhanded actions. Clearly underestimating Gunnz’s own stature, Maximus tired to intimidate Gunnz with his weight – with Gunnz having none of it. Maximus would exptend his hand in “peace” to the Referee – only to quickly try to deliver a midsection kick strike upon him. A clearly annoyed Gunnz caught Maximus’s leg, spun him around and delivered a dose of karma upon Maximus with a low blow of his own.
Having recovered from “low-blow-mania,” the three visubly exhausted combatants dug deep to try to mount any kind of offensive each could against his opponents. Ultimately it would be an infuriated Sanders delivering a arena-shaking chokeslam of C4 onto Maximus in center ring – covering BOTH men for the three-count victory.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)
FUTURESHOCK’S MAIN EVENT would see the team of GREATNESS & TENNACIOUS facing off against FSW Original/Legend, REMY MARCEL, and the debuting Referee-Turned-Wrestler, JOHNNY ROYAL in what would be somewhat of a grudge match after G&T’s RICKY TENACIOUS took a cheap shot at (then Referee Royal) at FSW NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION just two weeks prior.
With a fire and energy that’s been building up for a long time – and a good memory of the recent underhanded cheap shot via Ricky Tenacious – Johnny Royal was in no mood for Tenacious’ in-ring antics. After an inital shove-exchange between the two, Tenacious tried to lure Royal into a corner trap with a waiting Brandon Gee only to be drop-kicked into Gee by Royal – knocking Gee off of the ring apron.
What followed was an array of pent up aggression – deservedly unleashed upon Tenacious.
It’s not everyday one gets to team up with an FSW Legend and mentor, so despite having his way with Tenacious, Royal was all too happy to tag in his partner, REMY MARCEL, for some fun. Unfortunately, due to G&T’s usual-and-customary integrity-lacking tactics, the fun was short lived as G&T quickly turned the tables on Marcel – trapping him in their corner for a series of quick tag assaults by both Tenacious and Gee.
But this is FSW GRAND SLAM’er Remy Marcel . . . and with a signature superkick, Marcel was able to jump to his corner and the eager outstretched hand of Johnny Royal.
From that point, and with precision tag team tandem reminiscent of “The Whirlwind Gentlemen,” Royal and Marcel would lay waste to Tenacious and Gee – culminating in a gross miscalculated “foreign object attack” effort by Gee (striking his own partner instead of Royal) and Royal maneuvering Gee into his own finisher, the P.H.D. and, along with his partner Marcel, emerging victorious in his debut match as a Professional Wrestler.
(Photos Courtesy of The Bionic Scoop)