Nic Zander Suspended Indefinitely

FSW Officials Suspend Nic Zander For His Actions on Sept 4, 2022 at FSW HIGH OCTANE


In what was supposed to be the final chapter in the war between “The Heartbeat” NIC ZANDER and his month’s long adversary, BIG MONEY CLUTCH on August 21, 2022 at FSW SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, Nic Zander was, instead, brutally attacked by a masked ringside cameraman – leading to Zander’s defeat at the hands of Clutch.


The “masked cameraman” would reveal himself to be FSW Veteran, NICK BUGATTI – who has been absent from FSW for nearly two years.

The question on the mind of the FSW Meccaverse  . . . WHY did Nick Bugatti target Nic Zander ???


It would not be long until the FSW Meccaverse would get their answer  . . .




After the events of SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, “The Heartbeat” Nic Zander demanded to be heard.

Entering the FSW Arena to a hero’s welcome by the FSW Meccaverse in attendance on September 4 2022 at FSW HIGH OCTANE,  Zander began by reflecting on his time in FSW and his successes elsewhere –  including winning recent championship gold in Arizona.  Hot off a series of matches with Big Money Clutch – none of which went his way –  Zander has now set his sights on the man who diabolically interfered in his most recent match with an unprovoked attack – Nick Bugatti.

FSW High Octane September 4 2022 Nic Zander

Acknowledging that Nick Bugatti is not an active Wrestler on the FSW Roster, Zander nonetheless demanded Bugatti face him in the ring.

Just when it appeared that Zander’s call would go unanswered, through the fans in attendance emerges Nick Bugatti – not as a Wrestler, but as a PAID TICKET HOLDING FAN. Bugatti begins to scrutinize Zander in front of his devout fans.  At that point, Zander had heard and had enough.  Zander leaps out of the ring and slugs Bugatti – initiating an all-out brawl that spills into the heart of the FSW fans in attendance.

FSW Nic Zander Suspended Indefinitey

In an effort to quell the insensed Zander, a Fan taps him on the shoulder. In a rage-fueled stupor, Zander blindly swings and knocks out the Fan – to the shock of all witnessing the melee’.  The scuffle continued until FSW Security Officials were finally able to separate Zander and Bugatti – forcefully ejecting both out of the FSW Arena.




As a result of his actions – and the potential legal liability issues – FSW Officials announced that Nic Zander has been suspended (without pay) indefinitely.


Although not physically present on September 17 to respond, Zander posted the following on social media . . .

FSW Nic Zander Suspended Indefinitely


At the time of this writing, it is not known if or when – “The Heartbeat” Nic Zander will compete again in FSW.


One thing is for sure  . . .  sooner or later – one way or another – Nic Zander will, once again, get his hands on Nick Bugatti.

FSW Nic Zander Suspended Indefinitely